Jul 09 23:54 debug Checking the permission w on /proc/55720/ Sep 10 18:09 info Submitting job '/Alice/bin/Analysis.sh --macro AliTPCTracking.C '... !\n"); or ranking and no retry or failover in case of error. !\n"); alien --exec get /proc/66813/tpc.tracks.root. TTL = "112800"; // here you insert all the definitions of the histograms you want to increment b) Write a one-line command to find the last [login to view URL] GET request for the /history/skylab/flightsummary. We can discuss any details over chat. char srun[1024]; OutputArchive={"root_archive:*.root@Alice::CERN::Castor2", "log_archive:*.log,stdout,stderr@Alice::CERN::se01"}; sprintf(srun,""); reco.Run(); Nov 22 11:31:42 info Getting the file Packages={"AliRoot::v4-03-04�, "GEANT3::v1-3"}; (strcmp(gApplication->Argv(i),"--run"))) 4. Jul 09 17:51 info Input Box: {Config.C grun.C} alien --exec get /proc/66813/tpc.clusters.root Please, make sure to copy any file that you want, since those are temporary files, and will be deleted at some point. [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ >, This gives you another alien prompt. The definition of QoS flags is independent of the code. One of the jobs that can be submitted in alien is an Analysis job. They are the steering macros which are called from the aliroot prompt and launch either the simulation or the reconstruction process. Type = "machine" "Alice::CERN::File", -57945 Alice::Prague::PBS goliasx85.farm.particle.cz goliasx31.farm.particle.cz /alice/bin/aliroot ST 0 :0 :4 .33 5. "Alice::CERN::filepsaiz" TStopwatch timer; You have to create the definition of the command that you want to submit. This can be any root macro but it is highly recommended that you create an analysis class that derives from a Root TSelector. Nov 17 14:43:01 info Warning: cannot create envelope sealing engine = setting backdoor These are the possible fields that you can specify in the JDL: Any field (apart from the executable) can be a list of items. In esdAna.h add the following lines, at the appropriate place:#include "AliESD.h" Jul 09 17:52 warning Starting remotequeue... In case the file is not in the catalogue, it will be like "PF:". get /proc/66813/stdout timer.Start(); If N < # of positive entries in SELIST, then it will try all possibilties a certain status, [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ > top LocalDiskSpace = 9000000; We can discuss any details over chat. Strategy Building // your algorithme } You are now all set to submit the production. For instance, if you set it to 'ERROR_IB,ERROR_E', only the jobs that fail getting the input box or during the execution will be resubmitted. I support a number of clients with their Marketing & Social Media and I am looking to expand my team with someone energetic, and who is already working online and looking for extra work. Standalone application modules: :   Use any N elements of the list (optional combination with ), e.g. Connecting to database alien_system in aliendb.cern.ch:3307 ... Jul 09 17:50 info Command submitted!! The ALICE VO currently uses 'disk' and 'tape' as flags Working Directory is /home/aliprod/alien-job-55720 Nov 22 11:31:38 info access: warning - we are using the backdoor .... int nevent = 0; 75493 RUNNING /Alice/bin/AliRoot.sh aliprod@lxplus051.cern.ch Join a team that designs and implements the software for organized distributed data analysis of the ALICE experiment at CERN.ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment, is a dedicated heavy ion experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). int seed = 0; If for any reasons an entire job or one or more subjobs failed you can resubmit it and only the failed jobs will be reprocessed: [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/ > masterJob 57943 resubmit, The command masterJob has several more functionalities: provide information on all subjobs, kill jobs, merge,� (see man masterJob). it is static. also get the queueId of your job. : jobs that are in any of the status specified in the list. }, // #define VERBOSEARGS OutputFile={”fileA*@disk=4” , ”fileB*@disk=2,tape=1”}; OutputArchive    = {”  archive: file1, file2    @ <, ALICE::NIHAM::FILE,  ALICE::SARA::DCACHE,  ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM, ALICE::NIHAM::FILE,  !ALICE::SARA::DCACHE, ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM, !ALICE::NIHAM::FILE, !ALICE::SARA::DCACHE, !ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM, ALICE::Catania::SE,ALICE::NIHAM::DCACHE,ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM, select=2. { I need automation trading in Alice blue I have idea. The next thing to do is to test the macro on one event. The ALICE Collaboration held its 16th Physics Week from 21 to 25 September. Saving /home/aliprod/alien-job-55720/message.out to /message.out in File For instance, if in the InputData we specify: InputData={"LF:/alice/simulation/2002-04/V3.08.Rev.01/00001/*/galice.root", 2. When your job finishes, and if you have specified in the JDL your email address, you will get an email like the following: Subject: AliEn-Job 66813 finished with status DONE, AliEn-Job 66813 finished with status DONE, You can see the ouput produced by the job in http://alien.cern.ch/Alien/main?task=job&jobID=66813, The job produced the following files: stdout, stderr, tpc.clusters.root, tpc.tracks.root, You can get the output from the AliEn prompt typing: At any moment, you can query the status of all the subjobs of a split job with the command top -split , where is the jobId of the master job. gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_SEED",sseed); !\n"); Type = "machine"; get /proc/75502/stderr InputFile= {"LF:/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aliprod/pdc05_flow/production/configs/Config.C", file://ccali.in2p3.fr/afs/in2p3.fr/group/alice/schutz/alien/test.jdl in Alice::CCIN2P3::cclcgalice timer.Stop(); Jul 09 17:58 info Input Box: {} schutz -57948 ST 00 /alice/bin/aliroot For instance, [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ > cat /alice/jdl/AliRoot_PPR.jdl. char sevent[1024]; #    a list of Storage Elements (use/not) #65533;alien://pcapiserv01.cern.ch:9000�, �schutz�) ; #65533;alien:///alice/cern.ch/users/s/schutz/analysis/test/output/Esd.root�?se=ALICE::CERN::Castor�) ; OutputArchive={”myArchive:fileA*@disk=4” . This could be something different each day. Status Job Pipeline Stage Name Timing Coverage; skipped #4809752 Full combination of possible features:add fileLFN filePFN    ALICE::PLUTO::SE,ALICE::JUPITER::SE,!ALICE::MARS::SE,disk=1. [pcepalice45] ~ > cat /tmp/AliEn/cache/stdout.10633 Enter the input for the job (end with EOF)Executable = "SaveFile"; "Alice::CERN::scratch", EOF Nov 22 11:31:38 info Registering the file gSystem->Setenv("DC_RUN",srun); Several examples can be found in $ALICE_ROOT/macros. It’s very important that you are comfortable with the English language, in order to translate the content in the best way, and not miss any information in your translated version of the English content. You need to edit the header and implementation files to customize it to the esd tree: Hi Alice W., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. Packages="AliRoot"; (you will only see the archive, and in case have to extract files manually). Again several files need to be edited. speficication is evaluated and just truncated, once it exceeds this limit. "Alice::CCIN2P3::cclcgalice" Jul 09 23:54 debug Owner: psaiz get /proc/66813/stderr schutz 57943 RS /alice/bin/aliroot get /proc/75502/stdout Jul 09 23:54 debug Copying the file /home/aliprod/alien-job-55720/message.out, /data///message.out To achieve the physics program for LHC Run 3, a major upgrade of the experimental apparatus is ongoing. Also, if you kill the master job, all of its subjobs will be killed. The next. "LF:/alice/simulation/$1/$4/$2/grun.C"}; sprintf(sevent,"%d",nevent); The Physics Week is an annual workshop entirely devoted to the discussion of the present and the future scientific programme of the experiment. }; printf("Number of tracks %d\n",ntracks); for (Int_t tr = 0; tr < ntracks; tr++) { fChain->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &fESD); [pcepalice45] ~ > alien -rwxr-xr-x psaiz z2 1401 Jul 09 23:54 stdout "no_archive"            files normally go to an archive, even if they are specified as files. 2. ... More. * ApiService by Derek Feichtinger/Andreas-J.Peters For instance, you can require more than one package, using: Packages= {"AliRoot", "ROOT"}; Each line has to end with a semicolon (';'), Any line starting with a hash ('#') will be treated as a comment and ignored. Test: ClusterMonitor is at alice01.phys.uu.nl:8084 [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/bin/ > top The same docker-compose file should also set up a Kerberos server, set one admin user and two other users Bob and Alice, you can add a shell script to set up that. upload      file-PFN # for UploadOptions see 'help upload', add       file-LFN  file-PFN # for AddOptions see 'help add', #    get the best N SEs for a QoS type (dynamic SE discovery) OutputDir="/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aliprod/production_2005/flow/output_allfiles/$1/#alien_counter_03i#"; Found you at last. The event is supported by the ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Collaborations as well as the CERN Alumni Programme and the CERN HR Department.. Negative exists in order to exclude SEs Hi Alice M., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. }; "Alice::CERN::Castor", or       ALICE::NIHAM::FILE,  !ALICE::SARA::DCACHE, ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM And if you execute the commands in the mail, you can get the output: [pcepalice45] ~ > alien --exec get /proc/75502/stdout ALICE Collaboration 2015 CERN-LHCC-2015-006. You can also get the files from the shell prompt typing: alien --exec get /proc/66813/stdout If you wish to receive information from CERN-TH, you are welcome to register to our mailing lists.You can also remove your name from any of our mailing lists at any time following the same link. Postdoc position at Houston . [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ > cd /proc/55720 Take part in … basic research in the field of experimental and theoretical particle physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /proc/55720/ > ls -al Thanks!! 5. 1. get /proc/66813/tpc.tracks.root. Standalone application modules: { // extract the run and event variables given with --run --event. Executable = "aliroot"; Postdoctoral position in the ALICE experiment at the CERN-LHC. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature. Output saved successfully!! Jul 09 17:50 info Submitting job '/bin/SaveFile '... VO@GEANT3::2.1 CERN-TH has created some mailing lists to keep the theory community connected and informed. // simrun.C schutz -57946 ST 00 /alice/bin/aliroot ):OutputFile={”file*@ALICE::EARTH::SE,ALICE::VENUS::SE”}; Speficy static SEs with select N out of list.OutputFile={”file*@ALICE::MARS::SE,ALICE::JUPITER::SE,ALICE::PLUTO::SE,select=2”}; Specify to exclude certain SEs from dynamic discovery:OutputFile={”file*@!ALICE::MARS::SE,!ALICE::PLUTO::SE,disk=2”}; Speficy static SEs, plus a count of QoS flags with dynamic discovery:OutputFile={”file*@ALICE::PLUTO::SE,ALICE::JUPITER::SE,!ALICE::MARS::SE,disk=1”}; Full combination of possible features:OutputFile={”file*@ALICE::MARS::SE,ALICE::VENUS::SE,select=1,!ALICE::JUPITER::SE,disk=2,tape=3”}; Finally, the entries are not required to be in any order:OutputFile={”file*@tape=3,!ALICE::JUPITER::SE,select=1,ALICE::MARS::SE,ALICE::VENUS::SE,disk=2”}; For add and upload at the alien prompt, the syntax and semantics are the same. 1. OutputFile    =   {”  file3, file4, file5    @     ,   ”}; may be a comma separated combination of: "no_links_registration"        The files in the archive will not be registered in the catalogue Hi Alice A., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. Arguments = "--round $1 --run $2 --event $3 --version $4 --grun \"G\",\"F\""; InputFile= {"LF:/alice/simulation/$1/$4/$2/Config.C", 2The arguments that will be passed to aliroot and to your macro. Jul 09 17:50 info Submitting job '/bin/SaveFile '... fprintf(stderr,"!!!! Apart from that failback within the user specification, alien --exec get /proc/75502/tpc.clusters.root Type = "machine" gSystem->Exec("aliroot -b -q sim.C > sim.log 2>&1"); The fellowships can be taken up in the ALICE groups at the University of Cape Town or the nearby iThemba Labs and cover the stipend and some conference travel costs. TTL = "86400"; Basically, there are three options: Usually, when you add a file to a collection, you specify the lfn of the file. At any point, you can also kill and/or resubmit a job. ccali28:~> alien login File /proc/55720/message.out inserted in the catalog This is also the id you have to provide to the expert in the unlikely case where something is going wrong. "Alice::CERN::filepsaiz" FreeMemory = 68024; schutz -57947 ST 00 /alice/bin/aliroot { Design a Waterfront Restaurant Trail guide/passport PDF, I need Apache Kafka in docker container along with kerberos authentication setup, describe the research being done on each lhc project alice. Go to the CERN egroups page, search for the group name, click on it and then you will be presented with an option to subscribe. 10 Articles 2 pages long $200 done in 4 days. This positive SELIST specification will be considered as static. Live automated trading In this case, the jdl from the catalogue can also be a template, with one or more arguments that will be filled at submittion time. I’m looking for translators who can translate from English into Czech for a big cryptocurrency website. Your company is planning on expanding into new markets. #65533;, "round::2005�, "tag:v4-03-04", "type:Flow"}; #65533;LF:/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aliprod/pdc05_flow/production/configs/sim.C", [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/ >, [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/bin/ > submit < < EOF, /Alice/bin/Analysis.sh --macro AliTPCTracking.C, [pcepalice45] ~ > alien --exec get /proc/75502/stdout. In the first case, the JobAgent could store in at least one location, in the later it couldn't store in any location and the job output is lost. Therefore, you can analyze any event generated during the productions, or any other file registered in the catalogue. CERN’s staff members, numbering around 2500, take part in the design, construction and operation of the research infrastructure. -57948 Alice::LCG::Torino egee-wn122.torinoegee alibox.to.infn.it /alice/bin/aliroot ST 0 :0 :0 .33. WARNING! Sep 10 16:55 notice (Re)making connection to ClusterMonitor:pcepalice45.cern.ch:8084 printf("Arg %d: %s\n",i,gApplication->Argv(i));#endifif (! Hi Alice K., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. This you do in interactive mode from the root prompt, by connecting to the AliEn catalogue and accessing one of the event files you have produced earlier, and process it: root [0] TGrid::Connect(�alien://pcapiserv01.cern.ch:9000�, �schutz�) ; Paper Trade (strcmp(gApplication->Argv(i),"--event"))) esdAna::Process() Jul 09 23:54 info Saving the file /home/aliprod/alien-job-55720/message.out to /data///message.out - MonALISA repository for CERN ALICE Grid. The main contributions so far have come from the LHC at CERN and from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. We would like to have python project developed on ready to use basis with following features : Deadline: October 27, 2016. There will be a subdirectory /proc//, in which all the files will appear. } else { Sep 10 18:09 notice (Re)making connection to ClusterMonitor:pcepalice45.cern.ch:8084 [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/ > submit /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/analysis/test/test.jdl 99 Sep 10 18:09 info Input Box: {galiceSDR.root galice.root AliTPCTracking.C} ALICE Repository : close all. timer.Start(); Some texts will be generic, while others will be more technical and will require... Would like a PDF designed with 11 waterfront restaurants and bars. Nov 22 11:42:03 info Job is going to be splitted for production, running from 1 to 5 Accelerators boost beams of particles to high en… VO@GEANT3::v1-1 , #    a list of SEs to select N out of it. Fetch data for atleast 2 years for NFO and store for further use as pe... Hi Alice W., I would like to offer you a project again. Live automated trading From the supplied (historical) NASA web server access log ([login to view URL]): The key question that we want to address is how do you decide on the management choice for your new store?. Quick Reference to use dynamic SE discovery with failover: to store an job's output file according to the VOs default policy (for ALICE 'disk=2'): to save number of copies depending on QoS flags, using dynamic discovery and failover: Default policy (for ALICE 'disk=2')add fileLFN filePFN, Specify count of QoS flags, using dynamic discovery and failover:add fileLFN filePFN    disk=2,tape=1. ALICE::NIHAM::FILE,  ALICE::SARA::DCACHE,  ALICE::SaoPaulo::DPM OutputFile={"tpc.tracks.root","tpc.clusters.root"}; Jobtag={"comment:PDC05 flow events�, "round::2005�, "tag:v4-03-04", "type:Flow"}; There will be no auto discovery or replacement based on availability Execution machine: lxbatch520.cern.ch Jul 09 23:54 debug Checking ownership ] Jul 09 23:54 debug DEBUG LEVEL 3 In UserInterface selectDatabase DONE (host 9) root [1] t->MakeSelector("esdAna") [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /proc/55720/ > cat stdout Once the job is submitted, you can check the status either from the MonALISA web … timer.Print(); Host = "pcepalice45.cern.ch"; The first one is the analysis macro. > alien ALICE - CERN: SLC6 jobs typically have lower efficiency and higher failure rates than SLC5 jobs; to be investigated further CVMFS "Input/output errors" seen during the weekend at least at CNAF, KIT and Torino . ALICE Master Classes of Physics Revisted. fprintf(stderr,"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We do welcome participants from all experiments and all sectors at CERN. sprintf(sseed,"%d",seed);if (seed==0) { Nov 22 11:31:38 info Contacting SE SE_Alice::CCIN2P3::cclcgalice, and tell it to We would like to have python project developed on ready to use basis with following features : e.g. Arguments !\n"); -rwxr-xr-x psaiz z2 168 Jul 09 23:54 stderr Int_t ntracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); Test: ClusterMonitor is at lxplus051.cern.ch:8084 fChain->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry); Executing Analysis with macro AliTPCTracking.C }; esdAna::SlaveTerminate() Deleting the working directory /home/aliprod/alien-job-55720 Working Directory is /pool/lsf/aliprod/672990/alien-job-75502 Disk storage elements - MonALISA repository for CERN ALICE Grid Multiple broker is good to have. ******************************************************************* drwxr-xr-x psaiz admin 0 Jul 09 17:52 . 2) SINGLE TIME FRAME Beyond, ensure you have the permissions to write to a Storage Element before specifying it explicitly, as access might be restricted to certain users (See Exclusive SEs). [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ >. esdAna::Terminate() It's free to sign up, type in what you need & receive free quotes in seconds, Freelancer ® is a registered Trademark of Freelancer Technology Pty Limited (ACN 141 959 042), Copyright © 2020 Freelancer Technology Pty Limited (ACN 141 959 042), Build me a Algo Trading Software in Python, Project for Alice W. -- 20/11/03 23:25:19. This job will call aliroot with a macro specified by the user. It is the macro created by the user. split="production:1-50"; Jul 09 23:54 debug Contacting the SE at alien.cern.ch:8092 The ALICE team at LPC is composed of 7 permanent staff (2 CNRS researchers and 5 teacher-researchers) and 2 PhD students. sprintf(sevent,"");for (int i=0; iArgc();i++){#ifdef VERBOSEARGS ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a detector dedicated to heavy-ion physics at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).It is designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called quark-gluon plasma forms.. All ordinary matter in today’s universe is made up of atoms. Task 2: Web log analysis Jul 09 17:52 warning Starting remotequeue... Best regards, I try to plan the wedding ceremony to the end of September 2021. Re-using the L3 magnet experiment from the LEP, ALICE is designed to study quark-gluon plasma, a state of matter that would have existed in the first moments of the universe. Hi alicewatio, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. seed = nrun * 100000 + nevent; There are three ways in which you can pass a jdl to AliEn: If the jdl that you want to submit is already in the catalogue, just doing submit from the AliEn prompt will do it: [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ > cat /jdl/SaveFile.jdl Nov 22 11:42:03 info The PackMan has the following packages:admin@AliRoot::v4-03-05admin@GEANT::v1-1aliprod@ROOT::4.03.02VO@AliRoot::4.02.07VO@AliRoot::v4-02-Rev-01VO@AliRoot::v4-03-03VO@AliRoot::v4-03-04 Welcome to ALIMonitor! JobId Status Command name Exechost Hi, I want to hire you for ArcGIS work related, Hi Alice. "LF:/alice/simulation/2002-04/V3.08.Rev.01/00001/00100/galiceSDR.root"}; Nov 22 11:41:37 info Checking if the packages GEANT3::v1-3 AliRoot::v4-03-04 are defined in the system Error contacting Logger as AliEn/Services/Logger in aliendb.cern.ch:8089, [ PhD Student Positions in Cloud Computing, Umeå University, Sweden. An example is given next: xxx.jdl: this is the job description language (jdl) file where directives are given for the job execution, such as the software versions, where in the AliEn catalog to find the input files (those listed previously), where to put the results, the requirements for the resource broker, the number of events to process,� An example is given below. Jul 09 17:52 info Contacting the local host monitor at pcepalice45.cern.ch:8084 It is mandatory to follow the execution of your production. To submit one of these jobs, you will have to specify in your jdl: 1This is one of the most important fields. Connecting to database alien_system in aliendb.cern.ch:3307 ... 5. [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/analysis/test/ > add test.jdl file test.jdl Alice::Cern::Castor Jul 09 23:54 debug Checking the ownership of /proc/55720/ (I am psaiz) accessable for users. This script tests writing a file in the mss Connecting to database alien_system in aliendb.cern.ch:3307 ... GridPartitions = fprintf(stdout,"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing to you to ask about prices and services as a professional video maker at a wedding ceremony in Tuscany, Italy. Through the looking glass: the ALICE detector at CERN is currently being upgraded and may soon provide further insights into hyperon interactions. get /proc/66813/tpc.clusters.root Additional funding for extended stays at CERN is provided by the South Africa-CERN programme. [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/p/psaiz/ > submit < jdlfile Once you have completed the video scripts I want to move on to the Ebook. or           tape=1 Setting Package AliEn ROOT 3.03.07 EOF, Thanks!! Uname = "2.4.21-32.0.1.ELsmp"; OutputFile={”file*@ALICE::EARTH::SE,ALICE::VENUS::SE”}; JAliEn - ALICE Environment Grid Framework, Decommissioning ALICE native xrootd servers and dealing with data loss, http://alien.cern.ch/Alien/main?task=job&jobID=66813, http://alien.cern.ch/Alien/main?task=job&jobID=75502, One subjob per each galice.root plus one job per each galiceSDR.root plus one job per each tpc.tracks.root, One subjob per each pair of galice.root and galiceSDR.root, plus one job per each tpc.tracks.root, One subjob per each group of galice.root, galiceSDR.root and tpc.tracks.root, It will complain that the field SplitDefinitions is not defined (check SplitDefintions), If you have the jdl in a local file (not registered in AliEn), you can do, all: All the jobs that finished with error or expired. Saving the output (**the technical terms used here are based on crude understanding of computer world, so may not be exactly correct. ) Looking for someone who has worked with these broker API integration and understands Option & Futures and various order types. The actual flags are stored 75492 WAITING /bin/SaveFile Config. Checking the status of the job. sim.C and rec.C : these two root macros wrap the AliSimulation and AliReconstruction classes. You need to decide who to promote to the... hi Alice, I spoke to you before regarding a sociology essay, are you still interested in it? Hi Denise Alice W., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. file://cclcgalice.in2p3.fr/sps/alice/01/13077/2bd8a68a-5b43-11da-9dd6-00096b58e933.1132655501 of size 1161 Current path is: /proc/55720/ system: All the jobs that finished with a system error (for instance, downloading some of the input files, or failure setting up some of the packages). }; All the subtasks will have all the jdl fields of the original rask, except the inputdata, that will be a subset of all the inputdata. Managing CERN’s electrical distribution network from 400kV to 400/230V: operate, maintain, extend and renovate the network, analyse and make projections for CERN. 75493 RUNNING /Alice/bin/AliRoot.sh aliprod@lxplus051.cern.ch Strategy Building esdAna::~esdAna() (Int_t)0 deliver an adapted failover list of SEs and we won't give up txt file. The ALICE Collaboration is studying the physics of … Requirements = ( other.Type == "Job" ); I will be waiting to get a response from you. nrun = atoi(gApplication->Argv(i+1)); Making a local copy in AliEn::MSS::File (in /data/) Then AliEn, will translate the lfn into the GUID, and put the GUID in the catalogue. 3. of upload and add, which is currently 'disk=2' for the ALICE VO. gSystem->Exec("cp $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc .rootrc"); It will not resubmit jobs that were not validated (ERROR_V). 75492 WAITING /bin/SaveFile aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/ > ps �WAs �id 57943, 57943 -production:1-5-subjobs-- /alice/bin/aliroot RS 0 :0 :0 .0 } [aliendb.cern.ch:3307] /proc/55720/ > exit. It is designed to address the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at extreme values of energy density and temperature in nucleus-nucleus collisions. I want to know what can you offer and what will be the price? Jul 09 23:54 debug Initializing Local Cache Manager [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/ > cd analysis/test/ I am looking for someone who is able to help me with any task that is assigned to them. And the file is /tmp/AliEn/cache/stdout.10633 "LF:/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aliprod/pdc05_flow/production/configs/simrun.C". Les passagers des vols United 577 et 956 reliant San Francisco à Genève, en passant par Newark, ont eu la surprise d’être accompagnés par un voyageur discret, mais inhabituel : en lieu et place d’un humain, l’un des sièges était occupé par un morceau de détecteur. Attendance is limited but we do welcome participants from other experiments and other sectors at CERN. 3The data that is going to be analyzed. ] a) How many POST events appear in the log? If you have any problem, please contact us. Represent, help and inform all French people in the United Kingdom - Role of PROXIMITY (a bit like a town councillor) drwxr-xr-x admin admin 0 Jul 09 17:52 .. InputData={ "", ""}; Jul 09 17:58 info Submitting job '/bin/SaveFile '... Jobs in ALICE . We can discuss any details over chat. [aliendb5.cern.ch:3307] /alice/cern.ch/user/s/schutz/analysis/test/ > ls. Nov 22 11:42:03 info Input Box: {CheckESD.C Config.C rec.C sim.C simrun.C} sprintf(srun,"%d",nrun); if (! Host = "pcepalice45.cern.ch"; -57944 Alice::Prague::PBS goliasx85.farm.particle.cz goliasx31.farm.particle.cz /alice/bin/aliroot ST 0 :0 :4 .30 With the formation of the new research group, KU is developing further its participation with CERN, which until now was solely focused on the CMS project. Arguments= "simulate"; In the SplitArguments you can specify patterns which will be changed by the name of the inputdata. from auto discovery (see Examples below). [pcepalice45] ~ > alien login Swap = 4192912; need to write program. in case of error. �LF:/alice/cern.ch/user/a/aliprod/pdc05_flow/production/configs/sim.C", We can discuss any details over chat. this parameter they will actually be stored as files. Cooperation between nations, universities and scientists is the driving force behind CERN’s research. From now on, we will refer to the jdl submitted by the user as the master job, and each of the subtasks as a subjob. /Home/Aliprod/Alien-Job-55720 [ aliendb.cern.ch:3307 ] /proc/55720/ > exit a wedding ceremony to the Ebook someone who is to... Considered as static profile and would like to offer you my project move to... Currently being upgraded and may soon provide further insights into hyperon interactions can translate from English Czech. And would like to offer you my project be executed in the LDAP entry of an SE this SELIST. Other file registered in the catalogue in the unlikely case where something is wrong. 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