Adding Ending to Words. Ful in these words is called a suffix which is a little word we put on the end of words to change the meaning. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task. Words ending in ive. I directed students to the list of words ending in – ful and – less words on the pocket chart. Words ending in ful, mean full of. These PDF worksheets, covering words ending in -sion, are an excellent way for children in Y3/4 to revise and practise these spelling patterns. The ending sounding like /tʃə/ is often spelt –ture, but check that the word is not a root word ending in (t)ch with an er ending … I randomly called on students to state the meaning of the words by using the definition of the suffix. Opposite = grumpy. Our great range of prefix and suffix matching card games are brilliant for helping your children to familiarize themselves with a great range of different words, in a fun and interactive way. Vocabulary Builder Course. They can be used within lessons, as an assessment or as a homework task. List all words ending with fully sorted by length or by how common the words are. 1. cheerful = happy, full of positivity, in a good mood. Words ending ful spelling sheet 10 words ending with ful. 10 English Words ending in -FUL . Words Ending in -less Word Search. What a cheerful class you are. It can be hard to spell words with the suffix FUL as you just want to write FULL! This handy resource pack also includes a small selection of trick cards to make the came even harder! Spelling is an important skill in life as it is relevant in every other subject at school. Can be played indepedently or in groups. I’m much more cheerful after I have my morning cup of coffee. A fun way to practice this spelling pattern. These worksheets, covering the -fer suffix, are an excellent way for children in Years 5 and 6 to revise and practise these spelling patterns. Name: Add ful or less to these words: Remember ful means full of less means without Base Word ful or less? Suffixes ive. Didn't find the word you're looking for? Words formed from any letters in fully, plus an optional blank or existing letter. Words Ending in -ment Word Search. Add the correct word part, -ful or -less to each word below to create a word that matches the meaning given. So there’s only one way to spell these words and that’s with a single ‘L’ But many people aren’t sure or don’t know this rule and use full with double L at the end of the word instead of a single L. List all words starting with fully, words containing fully or words ending with fully. When we add an ending (-s, -ed or -ing) to the end of a word, the spelling changes but the meaning does not. 2. cupful = a full cup of something. Measure, treasure, pleasure, enclosure. This informative and helpful KS1 review quiz for Year 2 will teach your child about words with the suffix ful - give it a go. Creature, furniture, picture, nature, adventure. help breath ful less cloud play ful less colour cheer ful less hope help ful less . For example, -less means “without,” so homeless means “without a home.” –Ful … Suffix ful or less? Support on spelling for kids with Super Brainy Beans. Children must find the words with the suffix -ful. The worksheets include five different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context. fear ful doubt ful boast ful. The worksheets include five different activities in which children look at spelling patterns, identify misspelt words and apply their spellings in context. The recipe says to add a cupful of sugar. Primary homework help with worksheet downloads and online games. Words with endings sounding like /ʒə/ or /tʃə/ The ending sounding like /ʒə/ is always spelt –sure. Spelling Year 5 KS2. When we add …